Welcome to Kanji Japan.
We sell Kanji T-Shirts designed by native Japanese at Zazzle.com.
We also take custom requests such as YOUR-NAME-BY-KANJI.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
iPhone case
They are Pacific Parrotlets Pair.
Blue male and American White female.
Now they are feeding 4 chicks!
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
New Kiri!
Yesterday I made T-shirts.
But Zazzle said
"Result: Not Approved
Content Issues:
--- Design contains text or image that is in violation of an individual’s rights of celebrity/publicity."
Content Issues:
--- Design contains text or image that is in violation of an individual’s rights of celebrity/publicity."
So, I change the designed.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Pacific Prrotlet
This white bird is "Pacific Parrotlet".
They live in Peru.
They are the smallest parrotlet in the world.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
June "Minatsuki" "水無月"

June is rainy season in Japan.
This kanji "水無月" literally means "June".
The first kanji "水(mi)" means "water".
The second "無(na)" means "nothing".
The last "月(tsuki)" means "month".
*"Minatsuki" actually pronounce "Minaduki".
No water in rainy season? How come?
This word "Minatsuki" is from old Japanese.
Old Japanese "無(na)" means "of".
So "Minatsuki" means "Water of month".
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Tsubame "燕" Swallow
A lot of swallows fly in the sky this week.
They have a new babies and feed them.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
I made a "May T-shirt about swallow" yesterday.
I am going to write more about swallows in Japan.
Usually swallows can fly 50km/h but top speed is about 200km/h, and they can hovering like hummingbirds.
Only 25% swallows will be back to Japan in the Spring.
Others might be dead by accidents or any other reason.
Anyway, swallows are really amazing birds!
I will make another T-shirts about swallows tomorrow!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
May "皐月" Satsuki

This kanji "Satsuki" literally means "May".
The upper Kanji "Sa" literally means "Rhododendron indicum(Latin name)".
It is a kind of azalea.
The under Kanji "tsuki" literally means "month".
Azalea is unfamiliar flower so we use swallow.
Swallow is the migratory birds of May in Japan.
They come back from Taiwan, the Philippines and Australia in May
and they are busy tending their nests.
Do you know how far from Japan to the Philippines.
It is about 3000km!
Australia is about 7000km!
The swallow can fly 300km per a day. And they fly solo, not flock of swallow.
The swallow is really strong bird!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
April Abril Avril Utsuki"卯月"
April! Abril! Avril!
This kanji "Utsuki"卯月 literally means "April."
This kanji "Utsuki"卯月 literally means "April."
The upper Kanji "U"卯 literally means "hare".
The under Kanji "tsuki" 月literally means "month".
And April is the season of cherry blossoms.
So we made this featuring cherry blossoms and hare.
And April is the season of cherry blossoms.
So we made this featuring cherry blossoms and hare.
The cherry blossoms are in full bloom this time of the year in Japan.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
四字熟語"four-character compounds"
Friday, April 1, 2011
kanji 20 words." 漢字20語"
We made 2 types of Kanji T-shirts.
They are same 20 kanji words.
The kanji words are
Flower, bird, wind, moon,
Sea, mountain, river, village,
Star, night, sky, moon,
Lake, river, sea, current,
Pine, bamboo, plum, cherry
Japanese are "tategaki"vertical text.
When written vertically,
the first line comes on the right of the page and succeeding lines follow it to the left.
From top right to bottom right is
"Flower, bird, wind, moon".
And second line is
"Sea, mountain, river, village".
Third line is
"Star, night, sky, moon".
Fourth line is
"Lake, river, sea, current".
Last line is
"Pine, bamboo, plum, cherry".
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
EASTER "復活祭" Egg and Bunny!
Japanese Kanji text
around the Egg.
Please zoom it!

This bunny's picture was made by English and Japanese Kanji "EASTER 復活祭"text.
It is like a Japanese old story
"Hōichi the Earless.(A Lute Priest without Ears)"
Hōichi was possessed by evil spirit.
His master worried about him and
wrote sutras all over him from top to toe
so that the evil spirit couldn't see him.
But Master forgot to write his ears...
The evil spirit couldn't see him without ears,
so it took his both ears.
That's really terrible!
The other side 7 texts means Easter in Japanese.
Also it was used 7 different types of Japanese Kanji fonts.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
"太陽系の惑星" 8Planets in the Solar System

The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower means
"太陽系"the Solar System.
And around the circle, those mean
”水星”(Mercury) means water planet.
But there is no water!
and Mercury is the innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”金星 KINSEI”(Venus) means golden planet,
also the other name is "明星 MYOJO".
That means brightest star in the night.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”地球 CHIKYU”(Earth) means ground and boll.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”火星 KASEI”(Mars)
means fire planet.
It's colors red as fire.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”木星 MOKUSEI”(Jupiter) means wooden planet,
but there are no trees!
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”土星 DOSEI”(Saturn) means soil planet.
"Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn"
name came from
ancient Chinese fifth elements!
and 水(water)
In the movie "The Fifth Element(1997)" ,
those are
and 愛(love) .
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”天王星 TENNOSEI”(Uranus) means King planet.
Why king?
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”海王星 KAIOUSEI”(Neptune)
means King of Ocean planet.
The name came from Neptune as Greek mythology.
Monday, March 21, 2011
MIYAGI was worst-hit area.
still worry about
nuclear emergency
So I pray for both.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Pray for Japan.
Earthquake and tsunami hit the coast of Japan.
We just..
Pray for Hokkaido.
Pray for Aomori.
Pray for Yamagata.
Pray for Iwate.
Pray for Miyagi.
Pray for Fukushima.
Pray for Tochigi.
Pray for Ibaraki.
Pray for Gunma.
Pray for Chiba.
Pray for Tokyo.
Pray for Kanagawa.
Pray for Japan.
Pray for you all.
We donate part of the profits from sales to Japan earthquake.
コリント人への第一の手紙 10章 13節
1 Corinthians 10:13
No temptation has taken you except what is common to man.
God is faithful,
who will not allow you to be tempted above what you are able,
but will with the temptation also make the way of escape,
that you may be able to endure it.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Fresh Water Fish"淡水魚"

Those fishes are not Sushi toppings!
If we eat them also be eaten fresh,
they might carry a parasite in our belly!
So we must cook and eat them!
How many fishes do you know?
And have you eaten before?
Japanese huchen,
crucian carp,
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