The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower means
"太陽系"the Solar System.
And around the circle, those mean
”水星”(Mercury) means water planet.
But there is no water!
and Mercury is the innermost and smallest planet in the Solar System.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”金星 KINSEI”(Venus) means golden planet,
also the other name is "明星 MYOJO".
That means brightest star in the night.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”地球 CHIKYU”(Earth) means ground and boll.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”火星 KASEI”(Mars)
means fire planet.
It's colors red as fire.
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”木星 MOKUSEI”(Jupiter) means wooden planet,
but there are no trees!
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”土星 DOSEI”(Saturn) means soil planet.
"Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn"
name came from
ancient Chinese fifth elements!
and 水(water)
In the movie "The Fifth Element(1997)" ,
those are
and 愛(love) .
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”天王星 TENNOSEI”(Uranus) means King planet.
Why king?
The Kanji upper in the circle means
Lower and around the circle are same meant as Mercury.
”海王星 KAIOUSEI”(Neptune)
means King of Ocean planet.
The name came from Neptune as Greek mythology.